Led Zeppelin 1975 World T origLed Zeppelin live 75 World T b&w

Deluxe printed re-issue.

Led Zeppelin Live 75 World T b

[This title was not mentioned in the TAKRL catalog. The above image looks like an original TAKRL release to me (although the printed cover version with Wizardo labels seems to be a lot more common) but perhaps I am wrong. This could be supported by the fact that this is really a sub par quality recording, ruined by the tapers.]

Montreal Forum, February 6th 1975 – Fair to Good Audience Recording

Side 1
01 – Rock And Roll 3:42
02 – Sick Again 5:36
03 – Over The Hills And Far Away 7:12
04 – In My Time Of Dying 9:47
Running Time: 26’19”

Side 2
05 – The Song Remains The Same 5:18
06 – The Rain Song 8:05
07 – Kashmir 8:40
08 – Trampled Underfoot 7:18
Running Time: 29’22”

Side 3
09 – Dazed And Confused 22:35
Running Time: 22’35”

Side 4
10 – Stairway To Heaven 10:46
11 – Whole Lotta Love 1:21
12 – Black Dog 5:48
13 – Heartbreaker 6:41
Running Time: 24’37”

[Photo from the actual show at the Forum]

An eye witness report: “I was next to the guys who made that recording. We were all part of a junket from Toronto and sat together opposte the stage in the old Forum.
Suddenly as the lights went down a rather large double boom mike was drawn from a duffle bag and the rest became ‘recorded’ history. I recognised the guys from a Yonge Street record store I patronized and was later able to get a cassete copy of the bootlerg. before it was released. I still have one of the two casstetes somewhere. The concert was one I shall never forget.”

From theyearofledzeppelin: “Plant continues to have trouble with his voice, he growls through the opening numbers. Page disappears briefly in the middle of Over the Hills and Far Away, just as the guitar solo is supposed to begin. As the song ends, one of the tapers announces “specially priced two record set on Kornyfone, Led Zeppelin live in Montreal!” [What?! Is this a first in bootleg history – announcing the finished product at the taping?] Shouted requests for Hey Hey What Can I Do, White Summer, and Travelling Riverside Blues can be heard before In My Time of Dying, which Plant introduces as “something that takes us back to the original influences that started Led Zeppelin in the first place.”
Plant’s howls echo through the arena during the mournful San Francisco interlude in Dazed and Confused. Page is on fire during the guitar solo/workout section. The thunderous Mars, the Bringer of War section is led by Bonzo’s intimidating death march. Page solos wildly over the hypnotic, syncopated rhythm during the outro. An outstanding performance, the best of the tour thus far. As the song ends, one of the tapers can be heard exclaiming “I’m so fuckin’ stoned!” Page blazes through an amazing guitar solo during Stairway to Heaven. Black Dog is devastatingly heavy. The band’s return to the stage is met with a deafening cheer. Page holds back during the a cappella solo in Heartbreaker, but makes up for it during the frenzied fast guitar solo. As the band leaves the stage, Plant announces “Montreal, you are the best!” An excellent performance. The tape is very clear and well-balanced. However, the frequent false stereo panning effect can be a bit distracting at times.”

From collectorsmusic.com: “Much has been said about the fake stereo panning effect plaguing this tape since its first incarnation on vinyl and it is here too. 

It was produced during the actual recording of the show and there is no way to avoid the annoyance but on the whole the tape is good to very good and clear.  Luckily the taper used it sparingly during the more “exciting” moments of the show and during long stretches it is absent to allow us to enjoy the music.  The tapers talk throughout the show and are just as annoying and make the same kind of moronic comments as the people who taped the New York shows. 

Most of their comments are requests (“White Summer”, etc).  During the long mellotron tune up for “Stairway To Heaven” this witty exchange is heard:  Guy #1:  “Gordon Haskell!”  Guy #2:  “Who is Gordon Haskell anyway?”  Guy #1:  “Who knows.”  Guy #3:  “That faggot on [King Crimson’s] Lizard.“  Guy #2  “[singing the Yes song] ‘To Be Over’…**belch**.”  By their comments early on it sounds as if they were recording this specifically for a bootleg release! 

But perhaps the biggest concern with this is the show itself is sub par.  Plant’s voice is extremely hoarse and the band just sounds sluggish in the opening numbers.  During “Over The Hills And Far Away” Page has a malfunction right when he begins his guitar solo.  John Paul Jones plays a funky bass under Plant’s “ooo yeahs” until Page can come to complete the solo.  “Kashmir” sounds very muted and lacking in excitement.  “No Quarter” really works though as does “Trampled Underfoot”. 

“Dazed & Confused” is erratic with John Bonham getting lost in the middle, beginning the “Mars” section at the call-and-response part.  The show ends strongly with a great “Stairway To Heaven” and encore section complete with explosions and an air raid siren going off after “Black Dog”. 

Later reissued with a color cover and colored original TAKRL labels. Note the “closing down” notice on the back [which probably only applied to the Legerdomain name]: 

Led Zeppelin Legerdomain  Led Zeppelin Legerd b

  1. Tim said:

    This was reviewed very well – and I’ve always wandered why those guys screamed that exchange out. You’ve resolved a mystery of mine. BTW – if you would like a picture of the original deluxe B/W cover and the “Newspaper Man” and “Donald Duck” labels for this 2-LP set, I have them. ADDL NOTE: matrix numbers for all four sides are: WORLD-1, WORLD-2, WORLD-3, WORLD-4. Best regards and a very nice site to visit – thanks for putting it up! I’ll come back again, for sure.

  2. Stephen F from Dallas said:

    Very nice review. Love the background information. This is the only “bootleg” recording I have, and it is great!

    Is there any difference between the color of the image that was produced? I have a blue one, and I see here that there is also a green image. Also, on my version the both records were in a plain white jacket. Likewise the labels on the records were also plain white with just “Side 1”, “Side 2”, “Side 3” and “Side 4” printed on each one.


    • No difference in the inserts, except that the “Art Department” at TAKRL wanted to change colors and mix it up a little over time. This post was made towards the start of this blog when I paid little attention to labels – which changed.

  3. blackconcrete said:

    Those gentlemen of whom you speak are also responsible for the infamous “Yeeshkul!” exclamation heard on one or more Pink Floyd boots.

    • Thank you, I did not know that. May I ask what your source for this information is?

    • blackconcrete said:

      I met these tapers in late 1974, two primaries in the beginning, but eventually a band of more than a dozen by the early 1980’s.
      I held a microphone for part of the Pink Floyd Ivor Wynne Stadium show, Hamilton 1975.

        • blackconcrete said:

          Oh, I do know and I will write late

  4. Souphippie said:

    I have a copy of this but one of the labels the word BLANK at the top and a picture of a gun w/ a flag coming out of it that says bang! It then has song list but it’s not Zeppelin’s songs. It looks like another bands label. The second album has a picture of a lady and says Monique D’ozo. It’s weird. I am guessing the labels were blank and then someone got bored and stuck other labels over the blank ones…?
    Can anyone solve this mystery. I’d hate to think I have a bootleg of a bootleg. Ha.

  5. Erik T said:

    This clique made a lot great tapes, you can hear some of them of different recordings, the Floyd and Tull and others like Dylan etc at Maple Leaf Gardens, Floyd in Hamilton, Zep of course, I think Floyd in Buffalo 73 but I never did have a copy of that one, the Genesis Massey Hall shows, Jeff Beck at the O’Keefe, the Who Montreal 73, and I bring this up because I don’t think they actually had any idea “Mike” from Montreal would get a multi-generation tape from Toronto and then put out this record. I met Doug outside a Stones show a decade ago, and we talked a few times after that. He had some entertaining recollections. The tape decks were of course big and cumbersome, drained batteries, didn’t always record at the exact same speed… He said Massey Hall used to have an A/C outlet near the stage, so when people crowded the front, one could discreetly plug in! If you’re reading this Doug or “Mike” or anyone else like that- holler! I surface and submerge every few years.
    . I used to see Mike, as named in Clinton Heylin’s book when I lived in Montreal and I know he never knew these guys personally, as I have met some of them too. The taper I know best whose voice is on the record never met “Mike”. Perhaps if they weren’t talking about TAKRL, Mike would have come up with a different name from TAKRL.
    Some published info from Hot Wacks 1979ish- Kurt G describes TAKRL as having gone through some change in 1975, cited this boot in particular and said the dude went on to make TKRWM records, a name he came up with. Not a great sub-label. I think TKRWM product sold for less money, at least wholesale or by mail, than some other labels’ products.

    He worked with Ken, I think the first incarnation of Toasted and the Phoenix labels kept him occupied. This Zep show was reissued on Phpenix with an HR Giger cover, like a bunch of Phoenix releases, which is as ballsy or dumb as Ken’s unlicensed reprinting of Clockwork Orange extracts on Flat records… Doubling their copyright confrontation as it were.
    “Mike” told me 1975 World Tour scooped all the other bootleggers, they got the record on the streets while the tour was still going. I think the Digger lp from Chicago and maybe Trampled Underfoot came next. The great MSG tapes didn’t come out until the 80s when Rock Solid put out In Person and In Concert. I have dropped some tidbits he had told me elsewhere on this blog.
    Should we assume each label represents a separate pressing? There seem to be a lot of labels for the TAKRL release alone. My copy has plain yellow Side 1-4 labels.
    I think quick mass production trumped quality perhaps, but then again, I have the original Chicago Stadium lp and Montreal sounds better, I have tapes of Cleveland and some other early 1975 tour tapes and Montreal was probably the best recording available to CA bootleggers while the tour was still on. Detroit might be another case of a great tape making a sh&t l.p. – on CBM. Oh, and Plant Waves, rare but Whatever…

    Anyone else wonder why Michael Millard’s LA Forum and Long Beach tapes never showed up on vinyl back in the day? The Stones L.A. Forum shows were lovingly released on three terrific l.p.’s by Vicki Vinyl, why couldn’t she have made a Zep boot series from the tour? It would have blown everyone else’s records of that tour out of the, uh, ahem water)s)….
    Same with Floyd in 1975- a weird bootleg tour, insofar as there were almost no bootlegs from this tour back in the day, even though Floyd were huge. Compared to the Stones or Dylan tours that year which resulted in multiple titles right away. Are mike Millard’s tapes the ones used by Vicki Vinyl for the Badgeholders albums?
    I know I ramble, but I like other folks’ rambling posts too, especially on such an esoteric topic…!

    • Were any other bootleg titles pressed from their tapes apart from Jeff Beck?

      “…the Floyd and Tull and others like Dylan etc at Maple Leaf Gardens, Floyd in Hamilton, Zep of course, I think Floyd in Buffalo 73 but I never did have a copy of that one, the Genesis Massey Hall shows, Jeff Beck at the O’Keefe, the Who Montreal 73…”

  6. Erik T said:

    By the way, Legerdomain means sleight of hand or something like that, in French…

  7. Erik T said:

    Stream of consciousness continued… If memory serves the early,pre Toasted copies mis-labelled Kashmir as Cash Me In, as It was a new song at the time…

  8. Jason S said:

    Just listening to the CSNY Varsity Stadium 1974 tape and heard a “Yeeshkul.” Those dudes must have taped that one too. Very clear recording, but lots of chatter as per their other boots.

    • Erik T said:

      There are several tapes of that CSNY / Band 74 Varsity show, a friend of mine taped it on a Uher, same guy who recorded a couple of local Bob Marley shows, and I’m pretty sure a long M.I.A. friend of his recorded it too as they often grout their respective gear. The latter guy recorded the first night of Dylan T.O. MLG 74 and a ton of other stuff.
      The CSNY / Band 74 show was a rainy event by all accounts, so I have a feeling mics were being covered or huddled around under umbrellas.

      RE- Jeff Beck Beckelectric boot- that came from a different tape, I heard Kurt HWQ did his own recordings for his releases.
      Sorry it took me two years to answer(!), I was actually looking to see if there was any follow- up to more recent remarks I posted.

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